American Legion Auxiliary
The American Legion Auxiliary assists American Legion Post 259 through fundraisers which include selling kolaches on Kolach Days and poppy sales in May. A $150 scholarship is given to one senior from Verdigre each year. The auxiliary sponsors County Government Day, Girls & Boys State, and a picnic for veterans from the Norfolk Veterans Home. Contact person: Kathy Masat, 402-668-2305.

American Legion Post 259
The American Legion is the force behind Memorial Day Services, Veterans Day Services, military and services for funerals for veterans. The Legion also sponsors the picnic for veterans from the Norfolk Veterans Home. Contact person: Commander Gary Jones, 402-668-2340.

Catholic Daughters of America
The order of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA) was organized on April 26, 1959. Its purpose is to promote Catholic values. Contact Janet Frank 402-668-2820 for more information.

FFA Alumni
The FFA Alumni has helped with agricultural education for the benefit of the FFA. They hold ag-related summer tours, help with movie & pizza parties for the FFA, help with judging contests, and sponsor the annual Verdigre Farm & Home Show held on the third weekend in January. Contact person: FFA teacher at school.

Girls Scouts
Past projects of the Girl Scouts include funding & building the crows nest playground equipment at the softball field at Wildwood Acres and painting a beautiful mural on the back wall of the picnic shelter at Chalupnik Veterans’ Memorial Park. Contact person: Pam Sukup, 402-847-3372.

Knights of Columbus
On June 12, 1947 the order of the Knights of Columbus, 4th Degree was established. The 3rd Degree Knights of Columbus council was organized January 6, 1962. The Knights of Columbus hold a tootsie roll drive to aid learning disabled children at local schools, needy families, & missions. They also have pancake feeds and card parties to benefit residents at Alpine Village.Once a year they sell tickets for a prime rib supper. Contact Grand Knight Brian Stark 402-857-3621 or Faithful Navigator Ken Meyer at 402-358-3881 for more information.

Lutheran Ladies Aid/Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
 The Ladies Aid was organized March 27, 1947. They have made a number of improvements to our facilities through the years. In addition, they annually support the Orphan Grain Train relief agency, Bethesda Lutheran Homes, Lutheran Family Services, Know County Right to Life with layettes for single mothers, missionaries, teachers, and Bible translators around the world, and here in Nebraska an Indian preschool, Hispanic and Sudanese ministries, and the chapel at UNL. Contact Helena Andersen (668-7369) or Connie Church for more information.

Methodist Youth Fellowship
The Methodist Youth Fellowship evolved from a Methodist boys’ club organized by Jean Walstrom in 1949. Two years later girls were admitted and with 25 young people in the group the MYF was inaugurated with Mrs. Walstrom as sponsor. This group served as choir for church services. Through MYF efforts the Christ in Gethsemane stained glass church window was realized. The MYF became known for their beautiful Good Friday and Christmas Eve services, music, church drama, and caroling activities, which included taking treats to the sick and elderly. Some social activities included roller skating parties, campfire singing, wiener roasts and barn dances at the Walstrom farm. They have been active in the highway litter pick up and have a haunted house and Halloween party each year for young trick-or-treaters. Contact UMC pastors 402-668-7280 for more information.

St. Wenceslaus Altar Society
The Altar Society raises funds for church needs, restoration, kitchen purchases, auditorium, and serve for funerals. They organize the clothing drive in the fall for the needy, have fish fries every Friday during Lent, give food baskets to shut-ins in May, sew and raffle a quilt, bake kolaches for Kolach Days. For more information contact President Kathy Masat at 402-668-2305.

United Methodist Men
Meet the first Sunday of every month. Contact Marvin Soucek at 402-668-2853 for more information.

United Methodist Women
In 1973 the Woman’s Society of Christian Service became the United Methodist Women as part of the Global Community. This group holds bake sales and collects offerings and donations to support needy children such as those living in the Children’s Home of Omaha and York Epworth Village. Contact the Methodist Church

V.O.W. (Verdigre’s Organized Women)
V.O.W. was organized for the betterment of Verdigre. Past projects include the Avenue of Flags made up of approximately 200 U.S. flagsthat line the winding entrance road to Wildwood Acres Park. Flags are flown on Flag Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Kolach Days, and Independence Day each year. V.O.W. has funded the south shower and restrooms at Wildwood Acres Park and the walk path at Wildwood Acres Park. V.O.W. hosts an annual Christmas Tour of Homes. Contact person: Delores Ruzicka, 402-668-7271.

Verdigre Community Chorus
The Verdigre Community Chorus was organized in 1987. Each year the Chorus performs a Variety Show or Broadway musical selections for Kolach Days iheld in June and a Christmas Concert in December. Other performances include Memorial Day Services, LaVitsef Variety Concert at the Johnny Carson Theater in Norfolk, Alumni Banquet, Palm Sunday Concerts, and more. Contact Person: Laurel Johnson at 402-373-2626 or Karen Sonder at 402-668-7249.

Verdigre Development Corporation
The purpose of the Verdigre Development Corporation is the economic development and prosperity of Verdigre. Past projects have included building of the Terrace View Apartments and South View Apartments. Contact Chris Schreier at 402 668-2624.

Verdigre High Alumni Association
The Alumni Association keeps Verdigre Alumni involved in the community. The Alumni sponsors the Verdigre Alumni Banquet held each year in conjunction with Kolach Days on the second full weekend in June. They have purchased tables and contributed to the PA system for the school and have an endowment fund for one to two scholarships each year for Verdigre High School Seniors. Contact person: Kathy Masat, 402-668-2305.

Verdigre Improvement Club
The Improvement Club supports the community with donations to events and local improvements. Annual fundraising takes place in conjunction with Kolach Days which is held on the second full weekend in June. Contact person: Jim Sokol, 402-668-2892. Souvenirs are available for purchase at Verdigre Improvement Club Page or by email at:

Verdigre Public School Foundation
 is a non-profit corporation established for the betterment of Verdigre Public Schools. Contributions will benefit the Schools including: providing computer technology, scholarships, and building improvements. The Foundation works closely with the Verdigre School Board to determine the needs of the school, staff and students. Contact: School office for more details 402-668-2275

Verdigre Rescue Squad
P.O. Box 171 Verdigre, NE 68783-0171 The citizens of Verdigre take great pride in the Verdigre Rescue Squad. For the past 30 years the Verdigre Rescue Squad has provided top-quality emergency care to the community. and surrounding area, and mutual aid to all Knox County Rescue Squads. In addition to providing medical services day and night, In order to do so, the Rescue Squad attends over 1,000 hours of training each year. The Rescue Squad sponsors the Red Cross Bloodmobile four times a year,a New Year’s Eve dance, annual Lions Club Mobile Health Screening, annual Butterfield Boy Scout Camp Jamboree southwest of Verdigre,, provided EMT’s for the Knox County Fair, conducts trash pick-up twice a year along Highway 14. They helped organize the Knox County 911 Emergency Services System-enhanced “911” and have had benefits for individuals in need. Thirty certified EMT’s make up this volunteer group, along with two rescue units, a jaws of life, five defibrillators, a John Deere Gator used for remote rescue, Fire Department assist, sporting events, and mutual aid for entire area. Contact Person: Mitch Mastalir 402-668-2835.

Verdigre Volunteer Fire Department
Verdigre’s Volunteer Fire Department and Rural Fire District are equipped with five pumpers and tankers and an equipment carrier among other equipment. Their fundraisers include an annual Fireman’s Dance. Contact person: Fire Chief Jeff Bartling, 402-668-2605.

Verdigre Library Foundation
The Verdigre Library Foundation is a non-profit organization established in August of 2004. The Foundations accepts gifts of both real and personal property from private individuals, associations and corporations. Contributions to the Foundation will help strengthen the collection, expand programs, and enhance services. Contact: Verdigre Library 402-668-2677.