Verdigre Schools

Verdigre Public School is a Pre-K through 12th grade school district located at 201 S. 3rd St. in Verdigre.

Education Service Unit #8 and #1 provide qualified support services in; Nursing, Speech Therapy, Special Education, Psychologist, Staff Development, Technology Assistance, Migrant Program, among other pertinent programs.

Elementary School – Pre-K through 6th grade.

Junior and Senior High School – High-school addition and renovations was completed in August of 2011.

Verdigre Public School is an all-in-one campus for grades Pre-K through 12th. Coming to visit during school hours? Enter the complex through the front entrance on west side of the building.

Verdigre School and Niobrara School co-op for athletics under the NSAA. Athlete from the schools form the Cougar Squad displaying sportsmanship and team work. Cougar Pride is found in both communities showing values of communities working together on and off the field.  

For more information please visit our school’s website.

Verdigre Public School Foundation is a non-profit 501(c3) organization promoting educational enhancement for the Verdigre Community. Many educational enhancements have happened. Visit their website.