

Located in Knox County in Northeast Nebraska, Verdigre was established by Bohemian settlers in the beautiful Verdigris Valley. Verdigre was platted on July 12, 1887 by George Quimby. Some of the first establishments included two saloons, a post office, & a hotel or restaurant. Among the first settlers was “Old Jules” Sandoz, father of the famous author Mari Sandoz The first school was reported to have operated during the year of 1888-89, and in 1889 a schoolhouse was put up.

In 1912 a much needed fire department was formed, and Verdigre boasted of two hotels, two hardware stores, one furniture store, an undertaking establishment, one millinery store, one drug store, two physicians, one dentist, two implement dealers, two lumberyards, one harness shop, one blacksmith shop, one meat market, two pool halls, a racket store, an ice cream parlor, one opera house, two elevators, four saloons, two barbershops, an art studio, one newspaper, a lawyer, a tailor, two livery barns, a flour mill, one ice cream manufacturing plant, several real estate dealers, two lunch rooms, a cigar shop, a cement works, one church, two telephone systems, two good banks and a good natural park.


Please visit the Verdigre Public Library and Verdigre Heritage Museum for so much more!

Also CZECH OUT our history online: Verdigre Digital Archives